Need a parenting plan that actually works for your family?

Our solutions have been tested in reality + they don’t cost an arm and a leg.

Whether a parenting plan isn’t in place or the parenting plan that you have on the go is a gongshow. Our experience professionals can help. We’ve been there. Let’s build something that calms the waters, cares for your kiddos and restores your peace.

What is the parenting plan development process?

It’s simple; really.


1. FREE consult

(30 mins - Let’s see if we’re a fit!)

Have questions? We have answers. Want to run a specific scenario by us, we’re here to help. This 30 minutes will give you insight into how we work, and more importantly how we can make your life easier!


2. Parenting plan intake

(1 hr - $99 due prior to the screening)

This is where you can tell us the nitty gritty + download your parenting plan co-lab artist on what you’d like to accomplish, how you’d like to accomplish it etc. We’ll take a look at past communication, current communication, your current order (if you have one!), and generally get a sense of how we can help diffuse conflict, and restore your peace.


3. Signing of parenting plan development documents

(due prior to the plan development session)

Your parenting plan co-lab artist will send you documents regarding confidentiality, and how parenting plan development works. These documents will set the ground for the communication we curate for your consideration. All documents are required (initialled on each page, and signed where applicable) prior to your co-lab artist digging in.


4. Plan development

(2 hrs - $199 due prior to the session)

We’ll work with you over a series of 2 sessions to develop a parenting plan that suits your needs. This parenting plan can be provided to your co-parent as a suggestion, can be used to prepare for mediation, or it can be used in court to suggest what you feel is in your child(s)’ best interests.


5. Parenting plan document

($199 per hour due prior to the plan development session)

Your parenting plan co-lab artist will provide you with a parenting plan. We write these in such a way that your lawyer can quickly review them, and hit the ground running. We do this for you because, a lawyer writing a parenting plan for you can be a HUGELY costly process. Review only is quick and cost effective!


Take the first step & get started.

We’ll figure it out together.